Factors affecting overhead bare conductor transmission lines

Overhead transmission bare conductor lines are composed of general wires, insulators and other devices, and play the role of power transmission in the entire power transmission system. Since it is laid in the external environment, it is greatly affected by the natural environment, causing serious damage to the conductor. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the influencing factors in advance to minimize losses.

一、Natural factors

1.Lightning strike

Lightning strikes are one of the leading causes of transmission line failures. During lightning weather, transmission lines are vulnerable to lightning attacks, leading to line short circuits, tripping and other faults. In order to reduce the impact of lightning strikes on overhead bare conductors, various measures can be taken, such as installing lightning arresters, lightning rods, etc., and regularly checking the grounding of the lines to ensure that the grounding resistance meets standards.

2.Ice and snow

In the northern region, ice and snow weather has a great impact on the safety of transmission lines. Ice and snow covering transmission lines will cause problems such as increased load on the lines and freezing of wires, which in turn may cause line failures. In response to this situation, a series of measures can be taken, such as strengthening inspections of lines and promptly clearing ice and snow on lines, to ensure the safe operation of transmission lines.

3.Wind damage

Strong winds can also have an impact on the safety of transmission lines. Strong winds can knock down or break lines, causing them to malfunction. In order to reduce the impact of wind damage on transmission lines, some measures can be taken, such as planting windbreaks near transmission lines and strengthening inspections, to ensure the safe operation of transmission lines.

二、Human factors

1.Construction damage

When construction is carried out near bare conductors, if corresponding safety measures are not taken, it is easy to cause damage to the transmission lines. For example, if construction machinery touches the transmission line, or foreign objects are hung on the line during construction, it will cause line failure. In order to reduce the impact of construction damage on transmission lines, construction units should take a series of safety measures, such as strengthening safety training and setting up safety warning signs.


Some criminals steal power transmission lines for personal gain. Theft will not only affect the normal operation of transmission lines, but also pose a threat to people's lives and property. In order to reduce the impact of theft on transmission lines, relevant departments should strengthen supervision, increase the frequency of inspections, and at the same time strengthen publicity and education to increase public awareness of the importance of transmission lines.

三、Equipment factors

1.Equipment aging

Equipment in overhead transmission bare conductors will gradually age during use, which will lead to problems such as reduced equipment performance and increased failure rates. If the equipment is overloaded for a long time, it is more likely to cause damage to the equipment. In order to reduce the impact of equipment aging on transmission lines, the use of equipment should be checked regularly and aging equipment should be replaced in a timely manner.

2.Equipment quality issues

The quality of equipment is also one of the important factors affecting the safety of bare conductors. If the quality of the equipment is not up to standard, the probability of failure during use will increase. In order to reduce the impact of equipment quality problems on transmission lines, the inspection and maintenance of equipment should be strengthened, and equipment with reliable quality should be selected for purchase.

四、Management factors

1.Inadequate safety management

Safety management is one of the important factors affecting the safety of overhead bare conductors power transmission. If safety management is not in place, the probability of safety accidents will increase. In order to reduce the impact of inadequate safety management on transmission lines, a sound safety management system and operating procedures should be established, and safety training and education should be strengthened.

2.Ineffective maintenance and management

Maintenance management is one of the important measures to ensure the safety and stability of overhead transmission lines. Inadequate maintenance and management can increase the probability of transmission line failure. In order to reduce the impact of poor maintenance management on transmission lines, a sound maintenance management system and operating procedures should be established, and the training and education of maintenance personnel should be strengthened.

To sum up, there are many factors that affect the safety of transmission lines such as overhead bare conductors, including natural factors, human factors, equipment factors and management factors. In order to improve the safety and stability of transmission lines, corresponding measures should be taken to prevent and deal with different influencing factors. Only in this way can the stable operation of the power system and the safety of people's lives and property be ensured.

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